In blood, cholesterol is bound to certain proteins - lipoproteins which have an affinity for blood fats, known as lipids. There are two main types of lipoproteins : a low density one (LDL) and a high density one (HDL). The low density lipoprotein is the one which is considered harmful and is associated with cholesterol deposits in blood vessels.
The higher the ratio of LDL to the total cholesterol, the greater the risk of arterial damage and heart disease. The HDL on the other hand plays a salutary role by helping remove cholesterol from circulation and thereby reduce the risk of heart disease.
Achieving lower cholesterol is one of the best ways to protect yourself from heart attack and stroke. A fat-like substance found in the blood, cholesterol can build up and form deposits in your arteries. These cholesterol deposits can clog or in some cases completely block the passage of blood and oxygen to the heart. The result, for hundreds of thousands of people every year, is chest pain, heart attack, or other cardiovascular problems.
Hyperchjolsterolaemia or increase in cholesterol is mainly a digestive problem caused by rich foods such as fried foods, excessive consumption of milk and its products like ghee,butter and cream,white flour, sugar, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, ice cream as well as non-vegetarian foods like meat, fish and eggs. Other causes of increase in cholesterol are irregularity in habits, smoking and drinking alcohol.
Stress has been found to be a major cause of increased level of cholesterol. Adrenaline and cortison are both released in the body under stress. This, in turn, produces a fat metabolizing reaction. Adrenal glands of executive type aggressive persons produce more adrenaline than the easy going men. Consequently they suffer six to eight times more heart attacks than the relaxed men.
To reduce the risk of heart disease, it is essential to lower the level of LDL and increase the level of HDL.
As a first step, foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, which lead to
increase in LDL level, should be reduced to the minimum. Cholesterol -rich foods are eggs,organ meats and most cheese, butter, bacon, beef, whole milk, virtually all foods of animal origin as well as two vegetable oils, namely coconut and palm, are high in saturated fats and these should be replaced by polyunsaturated fats such as corn, safflower, soya beans and sesame oils which tend to lower the level of LDL. There are monosaturated fats such as olive and peanut oils which have more or less neutral effect on the LDL level.
The most significant sources of dietary fibre are unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat , rice, barley, rye; legumes such as potato, carrot, beet and turnips; fruits like mango and guava and green vegetables such as cabbage, lady’s finger, lettuce and celery. Oat bran is especially beneficial in lowering LDL
Lecithin, also a fatty food substance and the most abundant of the phospholipids, is highly beneficial in case of increase in cholesterol level. It has the ability to break up cholesterol into small particles which can be easily handled by the system. With sufficient intake of lecithin, cholesterol cannot build up against the walls of the arteries and veins. It also increases the production of bile acids made from cholesterol, thereby reducing its amount in the blood.
Egg yolk, vegetable oils, whole grain cereals, soya beans and unpasteurised milk are rich sources of lecithin. The cells of the body are also capable of synthesizing it as needed, if several of the B vitamins are present.
Drink A lot of water at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday as it can eliminates cholesterol from the system.
Diets high in vitamin B6, cholin and inositol supplied by wheat germ, yeast, or B vitamins extracted from bran have been particularly effective in reducing blood cholesterol. Sometimes vitamin E elevates blood lecithin and reduces cholesterol presumably by preventing the essential fatty acids from being destroyed by oxygen.
Regular exercise also plays an important role in lowering LDL cholesterol and in raising the level of protective HDL. It also promotes circulation and helps maintain the blood flow to every part of the body. Jogging or brisk walking, swimming, bicycling and playing badminton are excellent forms of exercise.
Yogasnas are highly beneficial as they help increase perspiratory activity and stimulate sebaceous glands to effectively secrete accumulated or excess cholesterol from the muscular tissue. Asanas like ardhamatsyaendrasana, shalabhasana, padmasanaand vajrasana are useful in lowering blood cholesterol by increasing systemic activity.
According to experts, there are four basic ways to get your cholesterol where you want it:
* Eating a healthy diet.
* Exercising
* Losing weight
* Taking medicine -- in some cases
A new study shows pistachios and sunflower seeds contain the most cholesterol-lowering phytosterols of commonly eaten nuts and seeds. This is followed by pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, black walnuts, pecans, cashews, peanuts, and hazelnuts. In comparison, chocolate ranked between black walnuts and pecans in phytosterol content.
"Basically, nuts are good as they're high in vitamins, minerals, and good monounsaturated fat, which can lower cholesterol."
Eating a diet rich in whole-grain oats may help lower cholesterol in people at risk for heart disease.Oatmeal and whole-grain oat products can help decreasing in both total cholesterol and unhealthy low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels.
Plant sterols and stanols are substances that occur naturally in small amounts in many grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds.These sterols and stanols have a powerful cholesterol-lowering properties.
Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and trout are full of omega-3 fatty acids - good fats unlike the bad saturated fat you find in most meats. These fish should be a staple of everyone's heart-healthy diet.
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