Natural Plant Based Cures For Wrinkling Skin

What the world is searching for is a cosmetics formula that will finally solve the problem of wrinkling skin. The current crop of products for resolving the issue of aging skin are woefully inadequate at taking care of the issue, despite supposedly being the most scientifically advanced formulas that we have ever been offered. Why don?t these products work for us?

Despite the claims of the cosmetics industry that they have the solution that you need for having younger looking skin, the truth is that the formulas being produced do not have anything in them that can help you. They do not even come close to effectively addressing the issues that cause your skin to age, despite the fact that we know exactly what the causes are.

There are a couple of factors that cause wrinkling. The most notorious on is the loss of the structural tissues that support your skin, caused by the lowered production of your collagen and elastin and the breakdown of your hyaluronic acid by a destructive enzyme in your skin. Then there is the problem with free radical damage.

Free radicals are formed through exposure to the UV radiation emitted by the sun. Free radicals will over time break down not only your skin, but they will also cause oxidation within the body that causes all types of problems. These include atherosclerosis, Parkinson?s disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimer?s, and the iron-storage disease hemochromatosis, which can cause movement disorders, psychosis, deafness, arthritis, and diabetes mellitus.

It is often stated that antioxidants are necessary in order to prevent skin wrinkling, and this is true. As you can see however, the problems that free radicals cause to your skin are only a small part of the role that they play in the destruction of the body as we age. Most companies provide you with an antioxidant or two in their formulas, but this is not enough.

What you need in order to eliminate the threat that free radicals pose, and repair the damage that they?ve done are products containing plant based ingredients, and Cynergy TK. The antioxidants that plants can provide are very helpful, but they are nothing beside the protein peptide and enzyme mixture that is Cynergy TK. One molecule of this powerful formula is capable of destroying a million free radicals.

In order to replace the lost tissue that causes skin wrinkling do not depend on the collagen and elastin formulas that are being offered to you. Collagen and elastin have a high molecular density, which make it impossible for them to pass through your skin. A better answer to replacing lost tissue can be found in the combination of Functional Keratin, and Phytessence Wakame.

The mixture of keratin proteins and kelp extract offer you the answers that you need for younger looking skin. Functional Keratin will dramatically increase the production rate of your natural collagen and elastin, while Phytessence Wakame allows your healthy levels of hyaluronic acid to return.

Cynergy TK, Functional Keratin, and Phytessence Wakame can all be found together in a line of products coming out of New Zealand, where they seem to have truly come up with the answer to combating wrinkling skin.

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