Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore Throat
Do's and Don't for Sore Throat

Following are some of the simple tips for sore throat:

- Take a balanced diet including green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grain wheat, cereals, etc.

- Do not have a head bath during sore throat.

- Do not expose yourself to cold water and cold climate for a few days.

- Avoid oily and fried foods as they are extremely aggravating for this condition.

- Do not eat cold or refrigerated food items when there is a throat infection. This will make the sore throat so severe that even swallowing food and breathing might become difficult.

- Avoid foods with a cold propensity such as cucumbers, bananas, watermelons, papayas, etc.

- Do not eat curds and other sour foods.

- Flavor your food with spices such as ginger, black pepper, salt and garlic.

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Following are some of the effective home remedies for sore throat:

- Gargling is the best remedy for sore throat. Put four teaspoons of salt in a liter of water. Warm the water, but not too much. Gargle with this water for fifteen minutes.

- Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to boiling water. Put some pieces of garlic in it. Allow this to simmer for a few minutes. When simmered enough, set it aside to get cooled. Drink this in small sips. It helps in getting relief from the sore throat.

- Plain tea leaves boiled in water is also helpful in curing sore throat. Boil tea leaves in water, drain the mixture and drink it in small sips. You may also gargle with it.

- Cinnamon has very good results in the treatment of sore throat, especially the one caused due to cold. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add a teaspoon of black pepper, one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder into it. Drink this mixture in small sips.

- The juice extracted from the bark of mango tree is very useful in treating any kind of throat problem. Gargle with lukewarm water containing juice extracted from the bark of mango tree. Add a teaspoon of its extract in a glass of lukewarm water.

Herbal Remedies for Sore Throat

Following are some of the effective herbal remedies for sore throat:

- Ginger is used in various ways to treat sore throat. It is also used in the treatment of cough and cold that causes sore throat. It can be taken in the form of a tea. The juice of ginger is also taken with honey in order to treat sore throats.

- Betel leaves are crushed and applied externally on the throat region. If the sore throat is accompanied by an irritating cough, then the berry of the plant is crushed and is taken with honey.

- Gargle with a hot decoction of the bay berry bark. This is very good herbal remedy for all kinds of throat infections.

- Fenugreek (methi) is very popular home remedy for sore throat. Put some fenugreek seeds in a liter of water and allowed to simmer. This is kept for half an hour on a low flame. Later it is cooled down and then strained. The liquid is used as a gargle for treatment of sore throat.

- Bishop's weed (ajwain) is a beneficial remedy for treating sore throat. Take a teaspoon of bishop weed, a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it. Repeat this twice a day till the throat infection is completely cured.

- Henna leaves are taken in the form of a decoction for gargling. This is effective natural cure for sore throat.

- Liquorice is used effectively in sore throat. The juice of the liquorice herb has soothing powers for the throat. Suck on some pieces of raw licorice and allows the juices to pass slowly through the throat.

- Butea (palaash) leaves are another useful remedy for throat infections. A decoction of the leaves is prepared in water and is taken as a gargle.

- Basil (tulsi) leaves are an effective herbal remedy for curing cough, cold, sore throat, etc. Boil 10-15 basil leaves in a glass of water. Drain the mixture and drink in small sips. Take this drink two to three times a day till the sore throat is not cured completely.

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