Home Remedies for Prostrate Disorders

Prostrate Disorders
Do's and Don't for Prostrate Disorders

Following are some of the simple tips for prostrate disorders:

- Eat foods that are rich in zinc such as meat, eggs and all kinds of seafood.

- Patient suffering from prostate problems must avoid sour and fried food items. These are difficult to digest and will exert pressure on the prostate.

- Foods recommended for patient with prostate problems are ghee made from cow’s milk, butter, ginger, garlic and asafetida.

- Never suppress the urge to urinate. This leads to prostate complications.

- Do not sit on a hard stool for long periods of time. If you do a desk job, then get a soft and comfortable chair to sit on.

- Avoid alcoholism and smoking as they invite prostate problems.

- Men should remain sexually active, but do not indulge in excessive sex.

- Do regular walks and other forms of mild exercise.

Home Remedies for Prostrate Disorders

Following are some of the effective home remedies for prostrate disorders:

- Pumpkin is very useful vegetable and must be taken in any form. You can take pumpkin juice, or finely ground pumpkin seeds mixed in water, or chapatti prepared from grated or boiled pumpkin mixed in wheat flour.

- Carrot is another useful vegetable for treating prostrate disorders. Take freshly prepared carrot juice 2-3 times a day.

- Prepare fresh tomato juice or eat 1-2 raw tomatoes. It is good for curing prostrate disorder.

- Garlic is very effective for patients suffering from prostrate disorder. Patient should at least take 3-4 seeds of garlic a day.

- Eat green vegetables such as spinach, carrot, etc. They are beneficial for patients suffering from prostrate disorder.

Herbal Remedies for Prostrate Disorders

Following are some of the effective herbal remedies for prostrate disorders:

- Prickly lettuce leaves are very effective in the treatment of enlargement of the prostate gland.

- Salep orchid (shalaba mishri) is also prescribed in prostate problems brought on by vata vitiation.

- Hog weed is prescribed in all urinary problems that are caused due to prostate ailments.

- Gokshura is another useful herb used in treatment of urinary complications caused due to prostate problems. Its fruit is effective in such cases. It is grind roughly and boiled in two cups of water till it is reduced to half the amount. This is drunk along with sugar.

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