Home remedies for lowering cholesterol

What is cholesterol?
In simple terms, high cholesterol is deposits of fatty substance in our body which blocks the blood flow in our arteries thereby leading to heart failure and high blood pressure. Cholesterol is of two types: LDL(low density lipoprotein) which is bad cholesterol which is the main cause of blockage in the arteries. The other is the HDL (high density lipoprotein) which is the good cholesterol as it removes the bad cholesterol from the blood and helps in preventing heart attack.

Causes of high cholesterol;

Intake of high diet food
High blood pressure
High smoking
High drinking

Home remedies for reducing cholesterol:

Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Onion juice or simply raw onions taken with food reduces cholesterol level. It cleans blood, helps digestive system, regulates the heart action.
Taking oat bran as breakfast is also beneficial in lowering the cholesterol levels.
Regular exercises like morning walks, jogging and even yoga asanas are useful in lowering blood cholesterol.
Drinking coriander water stimulates the kidneys and helps in lowering the blood cholesterol.
Eat plenty of soy products...
Sunflower seeds are also highly beneficial .
Add 2 tbsps of coriander seeds in 1 glass of water, and boil it. Let it cool for some time and then strain it. Drink this mixture thrice in a day.
Eating 1 clove garlic in an empty stomach every day helps in redusing cholostrol.
Eat green leafy vegetable, fiber rich food.
Eat one walnut and 3-4 almonds everyday.
For those who drink alcohol try to avoid taking it. Instead drink 1/2 glass of red wine every day before bed time.
Decrease intake of saturated fats.
Those who are fond of eating meat, bake, grill or boil your meat rather than fry it.

Foods to be avoided:

Egg yolk
Whole milk
Organ meat
Fried foods

Foods to be taken to control cholesterol:

Add more soluble fiber to your diet. Foods rich in soluble fiber are essential in lowering cholesterol levels. For example: Beans, peas, lentils, ground flaxseed, psyllium husks and cereals such as oat bran, rice bran, and oatmeal. Fruits including apples, grapefruit, and strawberries. Vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, beans, artichokes, brussel sprouts, and peas are high in soluble fiber.

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